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沃德公司(Vaude)致力于环保事业 发展绿色能源计划

[日期:2008-01-23] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]



  从环保角度看,安装这个装置后,沃德每年二氧化碳的排放量可减少310吨,也就是相当于一辆汽车环绕地球34圈所产生的温室效应。"沃德光伏发电装置的生产商Solarwerkstatt Tettnang的首席执行官Ralf Nickel解释到。硅模块结合创新的胶片模确保沃德通过调整太阳能接收装置的角度达到最大发电量。

  沃德市场营销董事Antje von Dewitz表示:"使用可再生能源,太阳能发电供应本地电网,都是我们沃德长期坚持的可持续发展战略及环保政策的重大举措,对我们来说意义非凡."

  原文:Vaude Produces Green Energy

  The mountain sports outfitter, VAUDE, has always been strongly committed to protecting the environment. Soon the family business will begin delivering green energy - thanks to a large solar panel installation due to be completed and begin operation in December 2007. All roof areas suitable for solar panels at the company headquarters in Obereisenbach and at its subsidiary in Isny are being outfitted with photovoltaic installations.

  When completed, VAUDE will have installed one of the largest solar photovoltaic installations in the southern part of Germany with an investment of over two million Euros. With this PV installation, VAUDE has passed another milestone for its Eco-Audit - a voluntary audit that VAUDE has been undergoing since September 2007 to improve even further its environmental track record. Certification according to international standards should be met by mid 2008.

  In the past few weeks, over 300 solar modules have been installed on a surface area of 430 square meters on the administration building's roof at the VAUDE headquarters in Obereisenbach.  This installation, which will already begin operating in December, will allow VAUDE to produce 53 kiLOWAtts of Peak (kWp) Electricity translating into a yearly output of 45,000 kilowatt hours (kWh). VAUDE plans to install solar modules over an area of 5,000 square meters by the middle of 2008 with a maximal output of 500 kilowatts of Peak (kWp) Electricity. 130 4-person households could be supplied with electricity for one year from the amount that VAUDE will be producing - 450,000 kilowatt-hours. "To look at it from a climate perspective, VAUDE will be producing 310 tons less carbon dioxide per year with this installation - an equivalent to the amount of green house emissions made if a car would drive around the world 34 times", explained Ralf Nickel, CEO of the photovoltaic installation service provider, Solarwerkstatt Tettnang. A combination of conventional silicon modules with innovative thin film modules guarantees that the solar installation at VAUDE can be optimally adjusted to sunlight direction for maximal electrical output."

  "By producing renewable energy and supplying the local power network with solar electricity, we can make a significant contribution to the sustainable conservation of natural resources for climate protection - an important concern for us" said Antje von Dewitz, Director of Marketing, VAUDE.



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