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音乐诠释青春,活力倾注环保---首届Asia bike时尚音乐会与你相约

[日期:2011-06-15] 来源:iouter.com  作者:iouter.com [字体: ]

7月29日晚18:00-7月30日02:00首届Asia bike时尚音乐会(暨自行车电影季)将在南京国际博览中心举行,让您在层层音浪的震撼下,激情high翻现场。Asia bike时尚音乐会将摇滚乐队表演为主,辅以民谣,DJ打碟、自行车及户外运动电影等,亚洲自行车展及亚洲户外展参展商、专业观众及各大媒体记者将免费参与,组委会将在音乐会现场有偿提供酒水饮料、简餐等服务。

 附《节目单》(具体以现场演出为准)Program attached ( subject to the live show)

18:00-18:40:冷冻街乐队(英式摇滚)18:00-18:40:Frozen Street band (British rock)

19:00-19:30:陈勇及乐队(流行摇滚)19:00-19:30:Chen Yong and his band (popular rock)

19:50-20:50:OLD DOLL(朋克摇滚)19:50-20:50:OLD DOLL (Punk Rock)

21:00-21:20:亚洲自行车展耐力赛颁奖仪式 21:00-21:20:The award ceremony of Asia Bike Endurance Cycling. 

21:25-22:00:迷库乐队(车库摇滚) 21:25-22:00:Miku band (Garage Rock)

22:00-24:00:自行车及户外运动电影秀 22:00-24:00:Movie show of bike and outdoor sports.

 Music Interprets Youth; Vigor Pours into the Environmental Protection----- First Asia Bike Fashion Concert Will Meet You!

From July 29th 18:00 to July 30th 02:00, first Asia bike fashion concert (bike movie season) will be showed in Nanjing International Expo Center. You will be shocked by the music waves and made high in the concert. Fashion concert combined the rock band performance with ballad song, DJ show and movies about bike and outdoor sports will also be shown there. The concert is free for exhibitors, visitors and all the press of Asia bike and Asia outdoor. The committee will provide beverage and fast food for you to buy.

Program attached (subject to the live show)

18:00-18:40:Frozen Street band (British rock)

19:00-19:30:Chen Yong and his band (popular rock)

19:50-20:50:OLD DOLL (Punk Rock)

21:00-21:20:The award ceremony of Asia Bike Endurance Cycling.

21:25-22:00:Miku band (Garage Rock)

22:00-24:00:Movie show of bike and outdoor sports.




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